Friday, February 12, 2010

A Question

I realize there is one thing I don't like (at all!) about blogging: unlike preaching, you can't see the faces of those to whom you are speaking. It's like preaching in the dark with the congregation gagged. (Alright, that's a really bizarre metaphor but hopefully you catch my drift.)
When I was in Israel I knew people were reading this and I had photos to post and all that. I know a lot of people were "lurking" and that was fine. But as we approach Lent my thought has been to do some blogging during the season. But like Bruce Springsteen yells before singing "Radio Nowhere" I want to shout: "is anybody alive out there?"

So, "is anybody alive out there?" If you are an official "follower" please consider posting a response to this email even if it's, "yes, I am alive..." And if you are "undeclared" then maybe send me an email? I don't want to be overly strange about this and maybe I just don't get the whole anonymity thing about blogging but if the response is underwhelming then I will find another venue for Lent...there are certainly ample opportunities.



  1. I'm alive (and well) out here in Kenya, Rich, and your words of wisdom certainly contribute! Because our patients at Maseno Mission Hospital don't take Sundays off, I don't either, so your blog (which I began reading when you were in Jerusalem, thanks to the Wilsons' encouragement) feeds my hungry soul. Thank you especially for your "Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany" sermon. And thank you all again, at St. Francis, for the generous gift you gave Maseno Missions. We have purchased some IV medications for our patients that would otherwise have been impossible to afford. We are also having lightweight rectangular frames on casters built to be used as "dividers" for our hospital wards, giving most people the first real privacy they've ever had. (See my blog about hospitals in Kenya dated yesterday @ Our HIV/AIDS Support Group members are building the frames and sewing the curtains to fit. Our in-patients will benefit, and so will the support group members! Asante sana, Rich -- for your words of wisdom and your parish's gift of support.

  2. P.S. If you decide to "find another venue for Lent," please email me a sermon once in awhile? Oh, and the reason I like blogging is that we aren't imposing our meandering musings upon folks who don't want to read them, just the ones who choose to "tune in"! -- Happy St. Valentine's Day from a Fan (Obviously Ungagged and Very Tuned In from Kenya)

  3. I admit to wandering through this e-Space, so consider it read by a couple of folks!

  4. Actually, I planned to catch up on your Holy Land posts this week and will certainly stop by from time to time during Lent.

  5. OK, thanks for the helpful feedback!

  6. I too have been peaking back in since your return. I have always found that when I "irregularly" read or listen to ruminations such as these, there is always a message that is appropriate to my situation.

    Peace and Grace,

    PS. I even stole one of your pictures of the desert for the background picture on my computer.

  7. Still reading as well. Your writing style is very compatible with blogging, so keep it up!

  8. I officially signed up. I hope you keep blogging
