Thursday, July 12, 2012

Homeward Bound

My work at the 77th General Convention has come to a close. After the morning session today, and the Closing Eucharist, only one final legislative session remains. I gave my seat to our alternate deputy, who had not had a chance this week to be on the floor. I write from the Indianapolis Airport, knowing that it has been a full and productive week of work.

I ran into my bishop in the hallway as I was leaving the Convention Center and learned that the House of Bishops amended the Resolution C-029 which I blogged about yesterday. (Apparently not enough of them read my post about it being "good theology" - of if they did I did not persuade them!) They deleted that second line, essentially affirming Holy Baptism as normative, seeing the second line as giving tacit approval for offering Communion to the unbaptized and apparently not yet ready to go there.

So, legislatively, what happens? It may come back to the House of Deputies or not; since we are in the last Legislative Session they may just run out of time. But unless the Deputies are willing to go along with the revision, it will not pass. Either way seems to me to be the same result: either we do nothing, leaving the current canons in place, or they will reaffirm the current canons.

I was, however, reassured by my bishop that the conversation will continue, and that is reassuring. In fact, for me this is the most theological piece of legislation that we had before us and if we don't keep talking, I believe it will be a lost opportunity. We shall see.

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