Monday, January 25, 2010

More Photos - Model of Second Temple Jerusalem

A number of people who have followed this have asked for more pictures (and less words!) As you all know, I'm sure, re-entry poses it's own challenges and we had our Annual Meeting at St. Francis yesterday, and my class in the Synoptics began today at Assumption College. But I'll try!
I think previously I posted one or maybe two of these photos but they were taken at the Israel Museum and they give you a sense of the Herodian Temple at the time of Jesus as well as how it fits into the city at the time.

Another angle: the "holy of holies" is in the middle. As I think I mentioned in one of my posts from Israel, that represents the inner "sanctum" where only the high priest could go once a you move out you have regions for only "clean" Jewish males, for Jewish men and women and on the outside the court of the Gentiles.

Here you get a wider-angle: the temple dominated first-century Jerusalem, occupying 1/3 of the walled city.

Here you get a sense of the scale of this "model" -with the Kennesett across the street in the upper left corner of this frame.

While this photo doesn't show the Temple you get a sense of the detail and scale again. Really helpful to me; I don't do two-dimensional drawings very well, so the model was/is enormously helpful in imagining my way into the events of Holy Week!

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